Because we are all one race, the Human Race
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EMBRACE ® The Wealth of Nations Foundation 600 Anton Blvd., 11th Floor, Plaza Tower, Costa Mesa, CA  92626
EMBRACE, a youth movement unifying the Human Race

, a diversity program for America's youth
There are over 7 billion people in the world with an increase of 2.4 people per second. Advancements in technology and new innovations in communications and transportation have put the world at our finger tips.   On a day-to-day basis, we interface with people from all over the world.  People are becoming more and more interdependant at a global level.  In order for the subsequent generations to thrive in such a global marketplace, they must embrace the unity of the human race while respecting racial and ethnic diversity.
Awarded one of the top 20 programs in Los Angeles County by the County of Los Angeles